If you are using the FIM portal, you problaby have noticed the Expiration Workflow. This workflow can became very handy to delete users from the FIM portal if the end date is reaced.
But how do you use it? I will provide you with a little manual that will guide you through the steps.
1. First create a set that will contain all users with the end datum that is equal to today:
2. Then create a set that contains the Expiration Workflow, because you need to give the Expiration Workflow rights to delete a user object.
3. Then you need to configure rights for the Expiration Workflow to delete a user object
4. And then youb need to create a MPR to launch the Expiration Workflow when a user joins the set.
After creating this MPR users will be deleted from the FIM portal if there end date is reached. If you want to delete them from other connected systems you need to configure the Object Deletion rules in the FIM Synchronisation Engine and configure deprovisining.
This is the personal blog of Stefan van der Wiele, Infrastructure Engineer specialist in Security and Identity Management. This blog will mostly be about Forefront Identity Manager 2010
dinsdag 30 november 2010
woensdag 24 november 2010
Learning FIM (virtual labs)
If you want to try FIM but don't have a own testing enviorment, then you can use the Microsoft Virtual Labs. In this blogpost I will provide you links to the different types of Virtual Labs
Virtual labs
Virtual labs
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) 2010 Overview
- TechNet Virtual Lab: The FIM Experience
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Importing and Synchronizing Data
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Joining Data from Another MA and Provisioning AD LDS
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Managing Users in the FIM Portal
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Creating the FIM MA and Synchronizing
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Inbound Synchronization Rules
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Synchronizing Active Directory Users
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Password Self-service and Configuring PCNS
- Technet Virtual Lab: Distribution Groups and Provisioning Distribution Groups in Active Directory
- Technet Virtual Lab: Security Groups and Provisioning Security Groups in Active Directory
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery, MA Run Scripts, and Final Configuration
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Managing Groups- Lab A
- TechNet Virtual Lab: Managing Groups- Lab B
dinsdag 9 november 2010
PowerShell: Create a FIM user and add the SID from AD
Today I created a PowerShellscript that displays a inputbox where you can enter a username, after that the script will create a new user in the FIM portal and it will find the SID in the AD and add it to the user.
This scripts is a combination of two scripts found on the technet forum with a little bit custom code.
The code is a little bit "dirty", it needs some optimalisation.
The code is below:
set-variable -name URI -value "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice' " -option constant
function SetAttribute
PARAM($object, $attributeName, $attributeValue)
$importChange = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportChange
$importChange.Operation = 1
$importChange.AttributeName = $attributeName
$importChange.AttributeValue = $attributeValue
$importChange.FullyResolved = 1
$importChange.Locale = "Invariant"
if ($object.Changes -eq $null) {$object.Changes = (,$importChange)}
else {$object.Changes += $importChange}
function CreateObject
$newObject = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportObject
$newObject.ObjectType = $objectType
$newObject.SourceObjectIdentifier = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
function CreateUser
if(@(get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0) {add-pssnapin FIMAutomation}
if($args.count -ne 1) {throw "You need to specify your attribute values as parameter"}
$attributes = ($args[0]).split("|")
if(0 -ne [String]::Compare(($attributes[0]).split(":")[0],"displayname", $true))
{throw "You need to specify a display name"}
$objectName = ($attributes[0]).split(":")[1]
$exportObject = export-fimconfig -uri $URI `
–onlyBaseResources `
-customconfig "/Person[DisplayName='$objectName']"
if($exportObject) {throw "L:User $objectName already exists"}
$newUser = CreateObject -objectType "Person"
foreach($attribute in $attributes)
$attrData = $attribute.split(":")
SetAttribute -object $newUser `
-attributeName $($attrData[0]) `
-attributeValue $($attrData[1])
$newUser | Import-FIMConfig -uri $URI
write-host "`nUser created successfully`n"
$exMessage = $_.Exception.Message
{write-host "`n" $exMessage.substring(2) "`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkblue}
else {write-host "`nError: " $exMessage "`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred}
function GetSidAsBase64
PARAM($AccountName, $Domain)
$sidArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String("AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAA71I1JzEyxT2s9UYraQQAAA==") # This sid is a random value to allocate the byte array
$args = (,$Domain)
$args += $AccountName
$ntaccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount $args
$desiredSid = $ntaccount.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
write-host " -Account SID : ($Domain\$AccountName) $desiredSid"
$desiredSidString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($sidArray)
function fixSid
set-variable -name URI -value "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice" -option constant
write-host "`nFix Account ObjectSID"
write-host "=========================="
#Retrieve the Base64 encoded SID for the referenced user
$accountSid = GetSidAsBase64 $AccountName $Domain
#Export the account configuration from the service:
write-host " -Reading Account information"
if(@(get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0)
{add-pssnapin FIMAutomation}
$exportObject = export-fimconfig -uri $URI `
-onlyBaseResources `
-customconfig ("/Person[AccountName='$AccountName']")
if($exportObject -eq $null) {throw "Cannot find an account by that name"}
$objectSID = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | `
Where-Object {$_.AttributeName -eq "ObjectSID"}
Write-Host " -New Value = $accountSid"
Write-Host " -Old Value =" $objectSID.Value
if($accountSid -eq $objectSID.Value)
Write-Host "Existing value is correct!"
$importChange = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportChange
$importChange.Operation = 1
$importChange.AttributeName = "ObjectSID"
$importChange.AttributeValue = $accountSid
$importChange.FullyResolved = 1
$importChange.Locale = "Invariant"
$importObject = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportObject
$importObject.ObjectType = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectType
$importObject.TargetObjectIdentifier = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectIdentifier
$importObject.SourceObjectIdentifier = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectIdentifier
$importObject.State = 1
$importObject.Changes = (,$importChange)
write-host " -Writing Account information ObjectSID = $accountSid"
$importObject | Import-FIMConfig -uri $URI -ErrorVariable Err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($Err){throw $Err}
Write-Host "Success!"
Write-Host "`nError: $($_.Exception.Message)`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred
$c=[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the admin account that need access to FIM","Create FIM admin account")
if ($c.Trim()) {
createUser "DisplayName:$c|AccountName:$c"
fixSid $c
This scripts is a combination of two scripts found on the technet forum with a little bit custom code.
The code is a little bit "dirty", it needs some optimalisation.
The code is below:
set-variable -name URI -value "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice' " -option constant
function SetAttribute
PARAM($object, $attributeName, $attributeValue)
$importChange = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportChange
$importChange.Operation = 1
$importChange.AttributeName = $attributeName
$importChange.AttributeValue = $attributeValue
$importChange.FullyResolved = 1
$importChange.Locale = "Invariant"
if ($object.Changes -eq $null) {$object.Changes = (,$importChange)}
else {$object.Changes += $importChange}
function CreateObject
$newObject = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportObject
$newObject.ObjectType = $objectType
$newObject.SourceObjectIdentifier = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
function CreateUser
if(@(get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0) {add-pssnapin FIMAutomation}
if($args.count -ne 1) {throw "You need to specify your attribute values as parameter"}
$attributes = ($args[0]).split("|")
if(0 -ne [String]::Compare(($attributes[0]).split(":")[0],"displayname", $true))
{throw "You need to specify a display name"}
$objectName = ($attributes[0]).split(":")[1]
$exportObject = export-fimconfig -uri $URI `
–onlyBaseResources `
-customconfig "/Person[DisplayName='$objectName']"
if($exportObject) {throw "L:User $objectName already exists"}
$newUser = CreateObject -objectType "Person"
foreach($attribute in $attributes)
$attrData = $attribute.split(":")
SetAttribute -object $newUser `
-attributeName $($attrData[0]) `
-attributeValue $($attrData[1])
$newUser | Import-FIMConfig -uri $URI
write-host "`nUser created successfully`n"
$exMessage = $_.Exception.Message
{write-host "`n" $exMessage.substring(2) "`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkblue}
else {write-host "`nError: " $exMessage "`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred}
function GetSidAsBase64
PARAM($AccountName, $Domain)
$sidArray = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String("AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAA71I1JzEyxT2s9UYraQQAAA==") # This sid is a random value to allocate the byte array
$args = (,$Domain)
$args += $AccountName
$ntaccount = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount $args
$desiredSid = $ntaccount.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
write-host " -Account SID : ($Domain\$AccountName) $desiredSid"
$desiredSidString = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($sidArray)
function fixSid
set-variable -name URI -value "http://localhost:5725/resourcemanagementservice" -option constant
write-host "`nFix Account ObjectSID"
write-host "=========================="
#Retrieve the Base64 encoded SID for the referenced user
$accountSid = GetSidAsBase64 $AccountName $Domain
#Export the account configuration from the service:
write-host " -Reading Account information"
if(@(get-pssnapin | where-object {$_.Name -eq "FIMAutomation"} ).count -eq 0)
{add-pssnapin FIMAutomation}
$exportObject = export-fimconfig -uri $URI `
-onlyBaseResources `
-customconfig ("/Person[AccountName='$AccountName']")
if($exportObject -eq $null) {throw "Cannot find an account by that name"}
$objectSID = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ResourceManagementAttributes | `
Where-Object {$_.AttributeName -eq "ObjectSID"}
Write-Host " -New Value = $accountSid"
Write-Host " -Old Value =" $objectSID.Value
if($accountSid -eq $objectSID.Value)
Write-Host "Existing value is correct!"
$importChange = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportChange
$importChange.Operation = 1
$importChange.AttributeName = "ObjectSID"
$importChange.AttributeValue = $accountSid
$importChange.FullyResolved = 1
$importChange.Locale = "Invariant"
$importObject = New-Object Microsoft.ResourceManagement.Automation.ObjectModel.ImportObject
$importObject.ObjectType = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectType
$importObject.TargetObjectIdentifier = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectIdentifier
$importObject.SourceObjectIdentifier = $exportObject.ResourceManagementObject.ObjectIdentifier
$importObject.State = 1
$importObject.Changes = (,$importChange)
write-host " -Writing Account information ObjectSID = $accountSid"
$importObject | Import-FIMConfig -uri $URI -ErrorVariable Err -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if($Err){throw $Err}
Write-Host "Success!"
Write-Host "`nError: $($_.Exception.Message)`n" -foregroundcolor white -backgroundcolor darkred
$c=[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter the admin account that need access to FIM","Create FIM admin account")
if ($c.Trim()) {
createUser "DisplayName:$c|AccountName:$c"
fixSid $c
donderdag 4 november 2010
FIM 2010 Self-Service Password Reset Now Supports All Domain Password Policies
FIM 2010 Self-Service Password Reset now supports all domain password policies. It was a joint effort between the Windows Active Directory and FIM development teams to provide this new functionality.
Details of this change can be found in http://support.microsoft.com/KB/2443871.
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